Average SAT Scores (Recent)

The SAT is a college admissions test developed by the College Board and Educational Testing Service. The SAT has verbal, math, and writing components. Scores range from 200 to 800 on each section. The three scores are combined for a total score ranging from 600 to 2400. The College Board releases SAT scores annually by reporting on the scores for seniors from their most recent administration. Some colleges, however, may take into consideration for college admission a student’s highest verbal and highest math score, even if received on separate testing administrations. GOSA presents SAT results in both ways. Only school, system, and state scores based on the most recent administration can be compared to the national scores. It should also be noted that the national scores released by The College Board include both private as well as public school students.

This file provides comparison data of the average SAT score across school, district, and state levels from the most recent test administration.

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